SCUSA Region
ICPC Masthead
2017 ACM ICPC South Central USA Regional Programming Contest
ACM Balloon Logo

Quick Facts

When  November 3-4, 2017
Events will start Friday evening and continue until the banquet Saturday Night.
Where  Check the Sites page for a list of sites for this year.
Cost  The registration rate is $175. If you register prior to October 6, 2017, you will get the early registration rate of $125 (registration is based on postmark on envelope with check or date credit card form is received). Registration fees are for a team of three members and one coach. Guests and alternates are an additional $30 each.

Please make all checks payable to LSU. This is very important!

You should send your check or money order to the following address:

ATTN:  Jennifer Fontenot
LSU Center for Computation & Technology
Digital Media Center, Room #1045
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

To check receipt of check or credit card form call Jennifer at 225-578-6723.

If you need to use a credit card to pay please visit Eventbrite and follow the instructions. Feel free to let Kathy know how it works for you.

Facilities  We will provide systems (core 2 duo or better). Each team will be provided one system for use during the contest. We will attempt to make each system as equal as possible (typical system is a Core 2 Duo based system running at 1.5 GHz or better, with a 17-inch monitor). Each team will be provided one system for use during the contest. (Actually, many machines have been upgraded).
Software  We are planning to run Centos. See the contest environment page for more details about the software to be used.
Judging  We plan to use the PC^2 software as we did last year.

More details will be provided as they are determined and/or requested.


  1. ACM International Contest requires that teams be exactly three members (teams of two are not allowed). We will follow this guideline.
  2. ACM International Contest limits contestants to within 5 years of High School graduation. Exceptions may be approved. Please read the complete ICPC Regional Rules for the details.